120 Capsules Allergen-Free

900 mg Each of Pure TMG

Serving Size 2 Capsules

Combination Product
TMG 甲基化要点
TMG 甲基化要点

120 Capsules Allergen-Free

900 mg Each of Pure TMG

Serving Size 2 Capsules

Combination Product
Trimethylglycine (TMG), also known as Betaine, is a natural compound important for methylation, a vital cellular process that is essential for healthy aging and longevity.†
Methylation is a chemical process that happens in every cell of your body and it’s essential for:
- Making energy
- Repairing cells
- Regulating gene expression
Each capsule contains
One Serving of 2 Capsules Contains ▸900 mg TMG ▸12 mg Zinc ▸ 1000 mcg Folate ▸ 30 mcg B12 ▸ 5.1 mcg B6
Nutrients to Support Methylation
TMG is a methyl donor, meaning that it provides more methyl groups to support methylation.† In addition to TMG, methylation pathways require other essential nutrients to function effectively, including Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Zinc.†
“The changes in DNA methylation across a lifespan is a hallmark of aging.” (1)
Aging and Methylation Issues
Research indicates that methylation pathways change as you age, contributing to the development of age-related health issues and impaired immune function.†
“Recent research efforts provided compelling evidence of genome-wide DNA methylation alterations in aging and age-related disease.” ⑵
Methylation issues also contribute to high homocysteine levels, which is linked to a wide range of illnesses and serious medical conditions.†
NAD* Precursors and Methylation Pathways
When taking standard (non-Liposomal) NMN or NR, the compounds are almost entirely degraded to NAM (Nicotinamide) before reaching tissues beyond the liver. In moderate amounts, NAM is beneficial for numerous health conditions. But, excessive NAM levels can be detrimental to your health.†
“High doses of NAM can cause genomic instability, reduce cellular methyl pools, and cause insulin resistance through methylated NAM.” (4)
It has been shown that high doses of nicotinamide (NAM) lower plasma Betaine levels and decrease available methyl-groups in circulation.† (5) This is why NAD⁺ precursors are often supplemented with TMG and other compounds that support methylation pathways.†
Acid Resistant Enteric Capsules
Reaching the small intestines intact is critical to maximize uptake. Our Acid Resistant™ Enteric capsules have been engineered to make it through the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach without being degraded. They release their payload only when they reach the alkaline environment of the small intestine.

三甲基甘氨酸 (TMG),也称为甜菜碱,是一种对甲基化很重要的天然化合物,甲基化是健康衰老和长寿所必需的重要细胞过程。†
- 制造能源
- 修复细胞
- 调节基因表达
TMG 是一种甲基供体,这意味着它提供更多的甲基来支持甲基化。† 除了 TMG,甲基化途径还需要其他必需营养素才能有效发挥作用,包括叶酸、维生素 B6、维生素 B12 和锌。†
“DNA甲基化在一生中的变化是衰老的标志。”( 1 )
“最近的研究成果为衰老和与年龄相关的疾病中全基因组DNA甲基化改变提供了令人信服的证据。” (2)
NAD+ 前体和甲基化途径
服用标准(非脂质体)NMN 或 NR 时,这些化合物在到达肝脏以外的组织之前几乎完全降解为 NAM(烟酰胺)。适量的 NAM 对许多健康状况有益。但是,过量的 NAM 可能会损害您的健康。†
“高剂量的 NAM 会导致基因组不稳定,减少细胞甲基库,并通过甲基化的 NAM 导致胰岛素抵抗。”( 4 )
研究表明,高剂量的烟酰胺 (NAM) 会降低血浆甜菜碱水平,并减少循环中可用的甲基基团。† ( 5 ) 这就是为什么 NAD+ 前体通常会补充 TMG 和其他支持甲基化途径的化合物。†
All our products are non-GMO and 100% free from preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.
We use pharmaceutical-grade testing procedures and our products have to pass through 4 rounds of testing.
Our products are tested in ISO-Certified and cGMP certified labs for ultimate quality, purity and potency.
TMG 常见问题解答
How does TMG help with methylation support?
In certain cases, taking NAD⁺ boosting supplements can deplete levels of methyl groups in the body. TMG is one of the most important ways to restore methyl groups because as the name implies, it has three methyl groups to donate As NAD⁺ gets used, it is broken down into Nicotinamide (NAM).
Learn more on the Bioavailability Page here.
Is it necessary to take TMG with NMN?
There is no research that says normal dosages (less that 1,000mg) of NMN or NR deplete methyls and require TMG.
However, it is possible and TMG may help some people.
Dr. Sinclair started recommending taking TMG just in case, as it is very safe and may help.
We now sell TMG here.
CardioMAX – 脂质体小檗碱、红曲米、辅酶 Q10
脂质体小檗碱、红曲米、辅酶 Q10
60 份
D3 和 K2(脂质体凝胶)
60 Servings
Energizer AM
Liposomal Hesperidin, Green Tea, Resveratrol
60 Capsules
Hs-CRP Home Test (High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein)
Understand how inflammation is impacting your life
Single Use Test
含 NAD⁺、NMN、NR、葫芦巴碱(脂质体)的鼻腔喷雾剂
30 毫升/1 液体盎司
NR(烟酰胺核苷)粉末 1,000 毫克 - 口感柔滑的混合物
舌下柑橘味激发 NAD+ 活力
77 克
含 NAD⁺、NMN 和 NR 的口腔喷雾剂(脂质体)
30 毫升/1 液体盎司
Renue Blue™ 面部及手部精华素(脂质体)
50 毫升 / 1.7 液体盎司
Restore PM
Liposomal Gaba, Apigenin, Glutathione, 5-HTP, Melatonin
60 Capsules
Restore PM 脂质体睡眠凝胶
30 毫升/1 液体盎司

草饲胶原蛋白 + 肌酸 + BCAA + 电解质饮料混合物
草饲胶原蛋白 + 肌酸 + BCAA + 电解质饮料混合物
31.96 盎司 / 906 克

草饲胶原蛋白 + 肌酸 + BCAA + 电解质饮料混合物
SLC 肠溶 NMN(烟酰胺单核苷酸,缓释)250 毫克
延迟释放 NAD+ 增强剂
200 粒胶囊
SLC 肠溶 NMN 锌(烟酰胺单核苷酸,延迟释放)250 毫克
延迟释放 NAD+ 增强剂
60 粒胶囊

葫芦巴碱(NAD+ 前体)-甲基化烟酸 250 毫克 90 粒
NAD+ 促进甲基化烟酸
90 粒胶囊
I take because I take NMN.
It made sense to me that if I was supercharging my mitochondria and suddenly flush with more energy than I had in years, that I provide the rest of the building blocks to my cells need to allow the extra energy to continue being generated.
In my case my mitochondria were my Achilles heel. And the NMN has been a fantastic addition I need to give my body all the nutrients it needs to function well