
Serving size 1 capsule


90 Capsules Allergen-Free



Sirtuin 活化多酚
常规价格 $1,361.00 TWD
促销价 $1,361.00 TWD 常规价格

白藜芦醇是一种天然化合物,以其抗炎和抗氧化特性而闻名。† LIPO 反式白藜芦醇旨在支持健康衰老、细胞功能和代谢健康。†

我们的组合产品 Energizer AM 中也含有 LIPO Trans-Resveratrol。


Serving size 1 capsule


90 Capsules Allergen-Free



白藜芦醇的潜在健康作用源于其科学认可的抗氧化和抗炎作用。这些功能可有效针对氧化应激和炎症——与衰老和与年龄相关的疾病有关的因素。† ( 1 )

研究表明,白藜芦醇可能有助于激活 sirtuins,这种蛋白质在调节新陈代谢、炎症和衰老方面发挥着重要作用。† ( 2 )

白藜芦醇因其促进长寿的潜力而受到广泛研究。最近的研究表明,它还支持心脏健康、葡萄糖和脂肪代谢、免疫反应和大脑健康。† ( 3 )


长寿:白藜芦醇的抗衰老潜力与其调节细胞死亡、改善线粒体功能、减少炎症和降低氧化应激的活性有关。†( 4 )对 19 项研究的荟萃分析表明,白藜芦醇可延长 6 个物种的寿命:酵母、线虫、小鼠、果蝇、墨西哥果蝇和绿松石鳉鱼。†

骨骼完整性:在针对绝经后妇女的 12 个月临床试验中,白藜芦醇补充剂可改善脊柱和股骨颈的骨密度,并使骨质分解标志物(C 端肽 1 型胶原蛋白)降低 7.24%。†

新陈代谢: 21 项临床研究的汇总分析发现,白藜芦醇补充剂可显着改善超重和肥胖个体的代谢健康,降低总胆固醇、收缩压和空腹血糖。†

标准反式白藜芦醇的口服生物利用度不到 1%,这意味着摄入后其在血液中的含量会迅速降低。( 5 )为了解决这个问题,LIPO 反式白藜芦醇使用先进的脂质体输送系统,旨在更好地吸收并更缓慢地释放到血液中,以提高生物利用度。†



Purest Ingredients

All our products are non-GMO and 100% free from preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.

Advanced Testing

We use pharmaceutical-grade testing procedures and our products have to pass through 4 rounds of testing.

Certified Labs

Our products are tested in ISO-Certified and cGMP certified labs for ultimate quality, purity and potency.


What are the benefits of liposomal delivery? Are liposomes really better?

When taken sublingually, approximately 30% of a 125 mg dose gets absorbed under the tongue, with the remainder being swallowed. At higher dosages, the % goes down, as the capillaries are full and have limited transport.

A much greater % makes it to bloodstream with liposomal delivery. Liposomes also protect the payload from degradation once in the bloodstream.

Lastly, Liposomes release the payload over a much longer period – up to 24 hours. This is better when taking larger dosages.

The rapid delivery to the bloodstream with Sublingual can be an advantage when taking before exercise. The energy surge most users feel is also nice confirmation that it is doing something.

What are the liquid and powdered liposome differences in bioavailability and stability?

Our liquid and powdered liposomes have approximately the same availability in the bloodstream, but the powdered liposomes release the payload more slowly over 24 hours. We don’t know if that makes it more effective than a faster release.

Powdered liposomal products have a shelf life of over two years, rather than the 12 months or so for liquid liposomal products when stored at room temp.

What's the difference between Liposomal vs. Delayed & Extended Release Caps?

Delayed Release & Extended Release Caps protect ingredients from stomach acid only. They delay, but don't really sustain ingredient release.

Liposomes protect the payload through the GI tract and into the bloodstream, then release more slowly up to 24 hours (depending on the liposome).

In addition to a big increase in bioavailability, they are truly sustained release. Any supplement known to have poor bioavailability should use liposomal delivery.

Are any of your liposomal products heat-sensitive?

The liposomal powder capsule products are not heat sensitive.

The liposomal gels however should not be exposed to heat exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a few days. Liposomes break down a bit when exposed to extended periods of high heat.