Renue Blue™ 面霜(脂质体)

Renue Blue™ 面霜(脂质体)

常规价格 $1,944.00 TWD
促销价 $1,944.00 TWD 常规价格



Face Cream Details

NEW Renue Blue™ Liposomal Face Cream with Methylene Blue

Renue Blue™ Face Cream with Methylene Blue and NAD⁺ Complex, features our proprietary liposomal delivery system for faster and deeper penetration of key ingredients into the skin’s surface for deep cellular renewal.

Light, but deeply nourishing, this cream hydrates the skin and works as a protective shield against environmental factors. Bring your skin back to life with this fast-absorbing formula packed with Methylene Blue, NAD⁺, NMN, NR, Resveratrol, Apocynin, powerful nutrients, antioxidants and cell-renewing Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Designed for any skin surface, such as face, neck, and hands. Can be used alone, or as the final step in the 2-part complete Blue Skincare Protocol, after using the Blue Serum for maximum effectiveness.


NAD⁺ Complex is a powerful trio, containing NAD⁺, NMN and NR. As you age, your skin requires higher levels of NAD⁺ to combat damage and keep your skin in a youthful and healthy state. Aging is directly associated with lower NAD⁺ levels in the skin. Delivery of NAD⁺ and NAD⁺ boosters through liposomal skincare is the optimal way to safely raise levels of NAD⁺ in the skin.


Methylene Blue has been studied for a wide range of ailments, many of which are aging-related illnesses, and there are currently over 20,000 studies on Pubmed. One study tested the potential dermal anti-aging benefits of four antioxidants, one of which was Methylene Blue.

Among all of the antioxidants studied, Methylene Blue was by far, the most effective.


By inhibiting NADPH oxidase and reducing free radical production, Apocynin protects the skin from oxidative stress and inflammation, maintains skin’s natural defenses, and reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.


This grape-derived antioxidant supports skin’s natural defenses against environmental stressors, protects the skin from damage, and promotes youthful gene expression through SIRT1 activation, maintaining skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

By supporting cellular energy production and protecting against oxidative stress, Alpha Lipoic Acid rejuvenates the skin, promotes skin cell renewal, decreases inflammation, and protects mitochondrial energy production for a healthy, evenly toned complexion.

Hyaluronic Acid

This humectant maintains skin hydration and volume by holding up to 1,000 times its weight in water. Hyaluronic Acid penetrates deep into the skin, providing long-lasting hydration, supporting skin’s barrier function, and minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Renue Blue™ 面部及手部精华

Renue Blue™ 面部及手部精华

Renue Blue 面部和手部精华液在细胞层面发挥作用,提供定时释放的活性成分,恢复 NAD⁺,改善皮肤的纹理、紧致度和真皮基质。

Renue Blue 面部和手部精华液是科学和性能的缩影,它使用专有的脂质体亚甲蓝和 NAD⁺ 复合物(NAD⁺、NMN 和 NR)从内部更新细胞,这些科学支持的营养素可在细胞层面提供营养。Renue Blue 在细胞层面起作用,提供定时释放的活性成分,可恢复 NAD⁺,从而改善皮肤的质地、紧致度和真皮基质。

纳米级脂质体能够快速深入地渗透到真皮层,提供非常高浓度的活性成分,与所有其他精华液相比,具有独特的治疗功效。这种强效的输送系统采用脂质体 NAD⁺ 复合物(NAD⁺、NMN 和 NR)和亚甲蓝以及 Apocynin 和谷胱甘肽精心配制,可将关键成分更深入地渗透到皮肤表面,以对抗最明显的衰老迹象,促进肌肤充满活力、看起来年轻。

每天早晚与 Renue Blue Face Creme 一起使用。适合所有皮肤类型。可单独使用,或作为 2 部分完整 Blue Skincare Protocol 的第一步,在使用 Blue Cream 之前使用,以达到最佳效果。

脂质体 NAD⁺ 复合物

NAD⁺ 复合物是一种强大的三重组合,包含 NAD⁺、NMN 和 NR。随着年龄的增长,您的皮肤需要更高水平的 NAD⁺ 来抵抗损伤并保持皮肤年轻健康的状态。衰老与皮肤中 NAD⁺ 水平降低直接相关。通过脂质体护肤品输送 NAD⁺ 和 NAD⁺ 增强剂是安全提高皮肤中 NAD⁺ 水平的最佳方法。


亚甲蓝已被用于治疗多种疾病,其中许多是与衰老有关的疾病,目前 Pubmed 上有超过 20,000 项研究。马里兰大学进行的一项研究测试了四种抗氧化剂对皮肤抗衰老的潜在益处,其中一种就是亚甲蓝。



这项研究由马里兰大学细胞生物学和分子遗传学系开展。在研究中,研究人员在皮肤上测试了四种抗氧化剂,其中一种是亚甲蓝。第二种是 N. 乙酰半胱氨酸 (NAC),这是一种非常受欢迎的抗氧化剂,通常作为补充剂服用。最后两种是 MitoQ 和 mTEM - 两者都是针对线粒体的抗氧化剂。他们将每一种抗氧化剂局部涂抹在健康的中年人、80 岁以上的成年人和早衰症患者的皮肤成纤维细胞上。对于大多数研究,皮肤成纤维细胞是通过非侵入性程序获得的,包括在部位麻醉并采集皮肤活检样本。


RENUE™ - 2 步皮肤再生方案

RENUE™ - 2 步皮肤再生方案

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  • 亚甲蓝
  • NAD⁺ 复合物:烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD⁺) · 烟酰胺单核苷酸 (NMN)
  • 夹竹桃麻素
  • 谷胱甘肽
  • 硫辛酸 (ALA)
  • 透明质酸 (HLA)



生育酚(维生素 E)·丙二醇·卡波姆·鲸蜡硬脂醇·甘油硬脂酸酯·三乙醇胺·山梨酸钾

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  • 亚甲蓝
  • NAD⁺ 复合物:烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD⁺) · 烟酰胺单核苷酸 (NMN)
  • 夹竹桃麻素
  • 谷胱甘肽
  • 硫辛酸 (ALA)
  • 透明质酸 (HLA)



生育酚(维生素 E)·丙二醇·卡波姆·鲸蜡硬脂醇·甘油硬脂酸酯·三乙醇胺·山梨酸钾

Renue Blue 皮肤再生疗程

两部分系统结合了护肤科学的最新进展,提供无与伦比的抗衰老功效。此创新方案包括 Renue Blue 精华液(步骤 1)和 Renue Blue 霜(步骤 2)。

Renue Blue 皮肤再生方案以 NAD+ 复合物和亚甲蓝为基础配制,并辅以其他经科学证明的营养素,可改善皮肤的光滑度、弹性和强度。

NAD+ 复合物是 NAD+、NMN 和 NR 的强效混合物。随着年龄的增长,皮肤中的 NAD+ 水平会自然下降,导致皮肤变薄、出现皱纹和肤色不均等明显的衰老迹象。

Renue Blue 皮肤再生疗程

两部分系统结合了护肤科学的最新进展,提供无与伦比的抗衰老功效。此创新方案包括 Renue Blue 精华液(步骤 1)和 Renue Blue 霜(步骤 2)。

Renue Blue 皮肤再生方案以 NAD+ 复合物和亚甲蓝为基础配制,并辅以其他经科学证明的营养素,可改善皮肤的光滑度、弹性和强度。

NAD+ 复合物是 NAD+、NMN 和 NR 的强效混合物。随着年龄的增长,皮肤中的 NAD+ 水平会自然下降,导致皮肤变薄、出现皱纹和肤色不均等明显的衰老迹象。

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What are the benefits of liposomal delivery? Are liposomes really better?

When taken sublingually, approximately 30% of a 125 mg dose gets absorbed under the tongue, with the remainder being swallowed. At higher dosages, the % goes down, as the capillaries are full and have limited transport.

A much greater % makes it to bloodstream with liposomal delivery. Liposomes also protect the payload from degradation once in the bloodstream.

Lastly, Liposomes release the payload over a much longer period – up to 24 hours. This is better when taking larger dosages.

The rapid delivery to the bloodstream with Sublingual can be an advantage when taking before exercise. The energy surge most users feel is also nice confirmation that it is doing something.

What are the liquid and powdered liposome differences in bioavailability and stability?

Our liquid and powdered liposomes have approximately the same availability in the bloodstream, but the powdered liposomes release the payload more slowly over 24 hours. We don’t know if that makes it more effective than a faster release.

Powdered liposomal products have a shelf life of over two years, rather than the 12 months or so for liquid liposomal products when stored at room temp.

What's the difference between Liposomal vs. Delayed & Extended Release Caps?

Delayed Release & Extended Release Caps protect ingredients from stomach acid only. They delay, but don't really sustain ingredient release.

Liposomes protect the payload through the GI tract and into the bloodstream, then release more slowly up to 24 hours (depending on the liposome).

In addition to a big increase in bioavailability, they are truly sustained release. Any supplement known to have poor bioavailability should use liposomal delivery.

Are any of your liposomal products heat-sensitive?

The liposomal powder capsule products are not heat sensitive.

The liposomal gels however should not be exposed to heat exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a few days. Liposomes break down a bit when exposed to extended periods of high heat.

What is the difference between the face and body serums?

The Body Serum contains vitamin D to increase levels of vitamin D in the body and can also be applied to the face. The Face Serum contains a concentrated form of Vitamin C to neutralize free radicals from external factors like air pollution and sunlight. The Face Serum can also be applied to the body, if desired.

Can I use Renue Blue skincare products with retinol or tretinoin?

Many of our customers use them both. It is safe to use the methylene blue skincare in conjunction with a retinol cream. The methylene blue skincare products are not harsh or irritating in the way that retinol creams may be for some people.For the best results, you could apply the methylene blue skincare in the morning and the retinol cream at night. That way your skin is receiving a nice dose of antioxidants in the morning and throughout the day, then at night you're doing your retinol treatment.Retinol and methylene blue skincare products both work to improve and increase cellular proliferation - creating new healthier cells. Using retinol at night can help speed up cellular turnover, and by using the methylene blue skincare in the morning, it has more of a healing and protective effect on the skin. So, they work really well together.



我们的 Renue NAD⁺ 乳液于 2019 年 5 月首次推出,我们收到了很好的反馈。我们的护肤产品线已经扩大,我们对我们的面部精华液在衰老过程中恢复和支持皮肤健康的潜力感到更加兴奋。

我们决定进行自己的小试验,并向我们的客户群发送了一封电子邮件,征求志愿者允许我们使用他们的前后图片,以换取免费产品进行测试。前 100 名回复的人被接受,并在 2020 年感恩节前收到了第一瓶精华液。

我们很高兴地发现,30 天后,所有 100 名受试者都希望继续使用,并向我们反馈了他们的体验。绝大多数人都给出了非常积极的反馈!




Purest Ingredients

All our products are non-GMO and 100% free from preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.

Advanced Testing

We use pharmaceutical-grade testing procedures and our products have to pass through 4 rounds of testing.

Certified Labs

Our products are tested in ISO-Certified and cGMP certified labs for ultimate quality, purity and potency.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews