
75 Servings per bottle




Recommended 2 Pumps

NMN 含白藜芦醇(脂质体凝胶)

NMN 含白藜芦醇(脂质体凝胶)

常规价格 $2,450.00 TWD
促销价 $2,450.00 TWD 常规价格

含有白藜芦醇 LIPO 凝胶的 NMN 旨在支持细胞活力和整体健康。

2 泵提供 ▸240 毫克脂质体 NMN ▸40 毫克脂质体反式白藜芦醇


75 Servings per bottle




Recommended 2 Pumps

Liposomal NMN w/Resveratrol Gel

NMN with Trans-Resveratrol LIPO Gel is designed to deliver NMN via nanoscale liposomes to support your body’s NAD+ levels.

These Gels are a great option for people who have trouble swallowing pills but want to take advantage of our liposomal products. All it takes is two pumps under the tongue and let it absorb for 30-60 seconds before swallowing.

Best Use Practice:

The pump mechanism is loaded. It may take 10-20 pumps to prime before first use.

Target the tip of the pump under the tongue. Press down to administer LSG™. Put the cap back on the pump when finished.

If swallowed, liposomes do protect the active ingredients from digestion in the stomach, but it is preferable to let the gel absorb under the tongue or elsewhere in the oral cavity as much as possible.


NAD+ 对生命至关重要……但会随着年龄的增长而下降

NAD+ 前体和防御者可以保护年轻的 NAD+ 水平,以维持健康的能量、力量和认知。

NAD+ 对生命至关重要……但会随着年龄的增长而下降

NAD+ 前体和防御者可以保护年轻的 NAD+ 水平,以维持健康的能量、力量和认知。

含有反式白藜芦醇 LIPO 凝胶的 NMN 旨在通过纳米级脂质体输送 NMN,以支持您身体的 NAD+ 水平。

对于那些吞咽药丸有困难但又想利用我们的脂质体产品的人来说,这些凝胶是绝佳的选择。只需在舌下压两下,让其吸收 30-60 秒后再吞咽即可。


泵装置已加载。首次使用前可能需要泵送 10-20 次才能完成灌装。

将泵的尖端对准舌头下方。按下以注入 LSG™。完成后将泵盖盖回泵上。


哪种 NAD+ 前体最好?


这种中心辅酶直接参与氧化还原反应,并作为能量产生酶活性的底物,包括 sirtuins 和聚(ADP-核糖)聚合酶 (PARPs),它们调节细胞代谢、DNA 修复和表观遗传修饰。


这种 NAD+ 前体通过 Salvage 途径中的 NMNAT 酶直接转化为 NAD+,已被大量临床试验证明可以有效提高细胞内 NAD+ 水平,从而增强线粒体功能、能量产生和 NAD+ 依赖性酶的活性。


这种 NAD+ 前体通过 Preiss-Handler 途径转化为 NAD+,还表现出提高细胞中 NAD+ 水平的能力。它支持细胞修复机制,特别是那些涉及 DNA 损伤反应和氧化应激缓解的机制。通过支持 NAD+ 水平,NR 促进 sirtuins 和 PARP 的激活,从而保护基因组稳定性并调节细胞代谢。


葫芦巴碱促进细胞 NAD+ 生成的方式与 NMN 或 NR 不同。这种甲基化形式的烟酸具有多种优势:在血流中具有出色的稳定性、缓慢释放到目标组织中、不会引起潮红、防止胃消化以及直接增加肌肉组织中的 NAD+。



脂质体是一种革命性的方法,将活性成分封装在磷脂“气泡”中,以保护活性成分并将其直接输送到组织细胞,然后通过血液到达。 (1)这样可以使成分被吸收和利用,而不会在胃中被破坏。

服用任何补充剂的目的是确保其进入血液。然而,由于传统口服胶囊的吸收率和生物利用度较低,活性成分在通过胃肠道时会失去大部分效力,或者根本无法在小肠中吸收。大多数未经利用就通过肠道或肾脏排出体外。 (2)





使用我们的脂质体产品,大约 90% 的有效载荷能够完整地到达血液,无论有效载荷是什么。

例如,我们的脂质体绿茶提取物中约 90% 的 EGCG 能够到达血液。

通过常规绿茶提取物,约有9% 的 EGCG 会进入血液。

因此,下面的研究表明它的生物利用度大约高出 10 倍。

常规芹菜素的生物利用度约为 30% ,因此,您可以预期我们的脂质体芹菜素的生物利用度比常规芹菜素高出约 3 倍。

虽然我们没有对所有脂质体产品的生物利用度进行研究,但下面我们展示的研究表明,在我们生产的一些最受欢迎的补充剂中使用脂质体时,生物利用度提高了 3 到 40 倍。



How do you take the LIPO gel products?

If you're using a liposomal gel product, you can squeeze it into your mouth and  hold under your tongue.

Try to keep the products under your tongue for 30-45 seconds.

After swallowing, the liposomes will protect the gel through the stomach and absorb through the intestine into your bloodstream.

When do LIPO gel products expire?

LIPO gel products are good for 2 years from the date of manufacture printed on the bottle.

What are the benefits of liposomal delivery? Are liposomes really better?

When taken sublingually, approximately 30% of a 125 mg dose gets absorbed under the tongue, with the remainder being swallowed. At higher dosages, the % goes down, as the capillaries are full and have limited transport.

A much greater % makes it to bloodstream with liposomal delivery. Liposomes also protect the payload from degradation once in the bloodstream.

Lastly, Liposomes release the payload over a much longer period – up to 24 hours. This is better when taking larger dosages.

The rapid delivery to the bloodstream with Sublingual can be an advantage when taking before exercise. The energy surge most users feel is also nice confirmation that it is doing something.

What are the liquid and powdered liposome differences in bioavailability and stability?

Our liquid and powdered liposomes have approximately the same availability in the bloodstream, but the powdered liposomes release the payload more slowly over 24 hours. We don’t know if that makes it more effective than a faster release.

Powdered liposomal products have a shelf life of over two years, rather than the 12 months or so for liquid liposomal products when stored at room temp.

What's the difference between Liposomal vs. Delayed & Extended Release Caps?

Delayed Release & Extended Release Caps protect ingredients from stomach acid only. They delay, but don't really sustain ingredient release.

Liposomes protect the payload through the GI tract and into the bloodstream, then release more slowly up to 24 hours (depending on the liposome).

In addition to a big increase in bioavailability, they are truly sustained release. Any supplement known to have poor bioavailability should use liposomal delivery.

Are any of your liposomal products heat-sensitive?

The liposomal powder capsule products are not heat sensitive.

The liposomal gels however should not be exposed to heat exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a few days. Liposomes break down a bit when exposed to extended periods of high heat.



Purest Ingredients

All our products are non-GMO and 100% free from preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.

Advanced Testing

We use pharmaceutical-grade testing procedures and our products have to pass through 4 rounds of testing.

Certified Labs

Our products are tested in ISO-Certified and cGMP certified labs for ultimate quality, purity and potency.