
Serving size 1 capsule


90 Capsules Allergen-Free

NR(ニコチンアミドリボシド、リポソーム)300 mg

NR(ニコチンアミドリボシド、リポソーム)300 mg

通常価格 ¥9,800 JPY
セール価格 ¥9,800 JPY 通常価格

ニコチンアミド リボシド (NR) は、NAD+ 生成のための天然の構成要素です。LIPO NR は、NAD+ レベルを高め、細胞機能を維持し、活力と寿命を伸ばすように設計されています。


Serving size 1 capsule


90 Capsules Allergen-Free



NAD+ の前駆体と防御剤は、若々しい NAD+ レベルを保護し、健康的なエネルギー、体力、認知力を維持します。


NAD+ の前駆体と防御剤は、若々しい NAD+ レベルを保護し、健康的なエネルギー、体力、認知力を維持します。

どの NAD+ 前駆体が最適ですか?




この NAD+ 前駆体は、サルベージ経路の NMNAT 酵素によって直接 NAD+ に変換され、多数の臨床試験で細胞内の NAD+ レベルを効果的に増加させることが示されており、それによってミトコンドリアの機能、エネルギー生成、および NAD+ 依存性酵素の活性が強化されます。


この NAD+ 前駆体は、Preiss-Handler 経路を通じて NAD+ に変換され、細胞内の NAD+ レベルを高める能力も実証されています。これは、特に DNA 損傷応答と酸化ストレス緩和に関与する細胞修復メカニズムをサポートします。NAD+ レベルを強化することで、NR はサーチュインと PARP の活性化を促進し、ゲノムの安定性を保護し、細胞代謝を調節します。


トリゴネリンは、NMN や NR とは異なる方法で細胞の NAD+ 生成を促進します。このメチル化されたナイアシンには、血流中の優れた安定性、標的組織への緩やかな放出、非紅潮、胃の消化に対する保護、筋肉組織における NAD+ の直接的な増加など、いくつかの利点があります。









当社のリポソーム製品では、ペイロードの内容に関係なく、ペイロードの約 90% がそのまま血流に到達します

たとえば、当社のリポソーム緑茶エキスでは、EGCG の約 90% が血流に到達します。

通常の緑茶エキスでは、 EGCG の約 9% が血流に到達します。

したがって、以下の研究では、生物学的利用能が約 10 倍高いことが示されています。

通常のアピゲニンの生物学的利用能は約 30% であるため、当社のリポソーム アピゲニンの生物学的利用能は通常のアピゲニンの約 3 倍であると予想されます。

弊社のすべてのリポソーム製品の生物学的利用能に関する研究は実施していませんが、以下に、弊社が製造する最も人気のあるサプリメントの一部にリポソームを使用した場合、生物学的利用能が 3 ~ 40 倍向上することを示す研究結果を示します。



What are the benefits of liposomal delivery? Are liposomes really better?

When taken sublingually, approximately 30% of a 125 mg dose gets absorbed under the tongue, with the remainder being swallowed. At higher dosages, the % goes down, as the capillaries are full and have limited transport.

A much greater % makes it to bloodstream with liposomal delivery. Liposomes also protect the payload from degradation once in the bloodstream.

Lastly, Liposomes release the payload over a much longer period – up to 24 hours. This is better when taking larger dosages.

The rapid delivery to the bloodstream with Sublingual can be an advantage when taking before exercise. The energy surge most users feel is also nice confirmation that it is doing something.

What are the liquid and powdered liposome differences in bioavailability and stability?

Our liquid and powdered liposomes have approximately the same availability in the bloodstream, but the powdered liposomes release the payload more slowly over 24 hours. We don’t know if that makes it more effective than a faster release.

Powdered liposomal products have a shelf life of over two years, rather than the 12 months or so for liquid liposomal products when stored at room temp.

What's the difference between Liposomal vs. Delayed & Extended Release Caps?

Delayed Release & Extended Release Caps protect ingredients from stomach acid only. They delay, but don't really sustain ingredient release.

Liposomes protect the payload through the GI tract and into the bloodstream, then release more slowly up to 24 hours (depending on the liposome).

In addition to a big increase in bioavailability, they are truly sustained release. Any supplement known to have poor bioavailability should use liposomal delivery.

Are any of your liposomal products heat-sensitive?

The liposomal powder capsule products are not heat sensitive.

The liposomal gels however should not be exposed to heat exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a few days. Liposomes break down a bit when exposed to extended periods of high heat.



Purest Ingredients

All our products are non-GMO and 100% free from preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.

Advanced Testing

We use pharmaceutical-grade testing procedures and our products have to pass through 4 rounds of testing.

Certified Labs

Our products are tested in ISO-Certified and cGMP certified labs for ultimate quality, purity and potency.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Andy Wong
Shipment timing

The delivery time for an airmail shipment from Australia is comparable to that from North America, with both typically taking around a week.

Shane Parkinson
2 weeks in - fantastic

56, eat once a day at evening, same exercise routine for 4 years - 5 hrs bike, 2 hrs swim, 6 hours walking a week, After starting Lipo NR I noticed an improvement in muscle strength within 2 days, went from using 50% battery in 50km ebike commute to using 35%, basically for 15km of 50 I am pushing over 25kmh on a fat off road bike and engine cutting out. After getting caught out at 53 by metabolism changes I had put on an extra 15kg. I lost 8 kg in last 12 months with above exercise routine and being more careful with eating, so under 1Kg per month, since starting Lipo NR I have lost 1-2 kg of fat in 2 weeks . Less tired after 8 hours of coding and more productive while working, so improvements in that sphere also.

joseph clarkin

I feel the difference!

Great - lots more energy

I can definitely tell a difference. I take it with vitamin. B-12 in mornings. I am 43-year old woman, otherwise health, feel a lot more energetic with this

Galina Kanevsky
Excellent Product

Excellent quality product. I use it already more than a year. Would recommend everyone for the best absorption.