LIPO CoQ10 は、コエンザイム Q10 を消化酵素から保護し、血流に運んで全身に狙いを定めて届ける天然リン脂質分子から作られた当社独自の粉末ベースのリポソームを特徴としています。
LIPO CoQ10は、当社の組み合わせ製品でもご利用いただけます。エナジャイザーAM。
90 Capsules Allergen-Free
200 mg Each of LIPO CoQ10
Serving size 1 capsule
LIPO CoQ10 は、コエンザイム Q10 を消化酵素から保護し、血流に運んで全身に狙いを定めて届ける天然リン脂質分子から作られた当社独自の粉末ベースのリポソームを特徴としています。
LIPO CoQ10は、当社の組み合わせ製品でもご利用いただけます。エナジャイザーAM。
90 Capsules Allergen-Free
200 mg Each of LIPO CoQ10
Serving size 1 capsule
Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a compound found in the mitochondria of your cells. CoQ10 is essential for the mitochondria to produce energy, maintain proper cellular function, provide support against oxidative stress, while offering potent anti-inflammatory properties.
CoQ10’s primary function is to generate energy within your cells. It plays a key role in making adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your body’s energy source.
The chart shows that ATP levels are much greater in younger healthier individuals (16-40 yrs old), compared to the levels in older healthier individuals (41-91).⑴
ATP is the body’s immediate fuel source for energy production. Just as NAD⁺ declines with age, ATP does as well.
Many aging-related conditions have been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, and low levels of ATP, CoQ10 and NAD⁺. ⑵ CoQ10 & NADH are both co-enzymes that are required for your body to maintain optimal levels of ATP.
Recent studies have demonstrated that CoQ10 supplementation may help lower inflammation.
“A recent meta-analysis provided evidence that CoQ10 supplementation significantly reduced the inflammatory markers CRP (C-reactive protein), IL-6 and TNF-α.”⑶
Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for a wide range of age-related diseases and it’s a major consumer of NAD.⁺ In order to restore your NAD⁺ pool, minimizing inflammation is vital.
One double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial was carried out in an elderly community with 443 participants. The study showed that 4-year supplementation with CoQ10 was associated with an Improved quality of life, plus an increase in the number of days out of the hospital, compared to the group who did not supplement. In this study, participants were co-supplemented with selenium. ⑷
Another study demonstrated that rats which supplemented with CoQ10 lived longer than those who did not. Those that supplemented with it experienced an 11.7% increase in mean life span, and a 24% increase in maximum life span. ⑸
Only a very small percentage of standard orally administered CoQ10 is taken up in the blood stream.⑺ LIPO COQ10 uses a sustained-released liposomal delivery system that provides superior absorption in easy-to-swallow capsules.
Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a compound found in the mitochondria of your cells. CoQ10 is essential for the mitochondria to produce energy, maintain proper cellular function, provide support against oxidative stress, while offering potent anti-inflammatory properties.
CoQ10’s primary function is to generate energy within your cells. It plays a key role in making adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your body’s energy source.
ATP is the body’s immediate fuel source for energy production. Just as NAD⁺ declines with age, ATP does as well.
Many aging-related conditions have been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, and low levels of ATP, CoQ10 and NAD⁺. ⑵ CoQ10 & NADH are both co-enzymes that are required for your body to maintain optimal levels of ATP.
Recent studies have demonstrated that CoQ10 supplementation may help lower inflammation.
“A recent meta-analysis provided evidence that CoQ10 supplementation significantly reduced the inflammatory markers CRP (C-reactive protein), IL-6 and TNF-α.”⑶
Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for a wide range of age-related conditions and it’s a major consumer of NAD.⁺ In order to restore your NAD⁺ pool, minimizing inflammation is vital.
Liposomes are a revolutionary way of encapsulating active ingredients in a phospholipid “bubble” to protect and deliver them directly to the cells of your tissues, which are reached via the bloodstream.⑴
This allows for the ingredients to be absorbed and utilized rather than being destroyed in the stomach.
The aim of taking any supplement is to ensure its transport into the bloodstream. However, due to the low absorption and bioavailability rates of traditional oral capsules, active ingredients lose most of their potency while passing through the gastrointestinal tract or are simply not absorbed in the small intestine at all. The majority is excreted unused via the intestines or kidneys. ⑵
Liposomal delivery offers a targeted and complete absorption of active ingredients with a delayed‑release effect, unlike all other nutrient delivery methods. This increased circulation time of key nutrients in the bloodstream significantly improves bioavailability. The higher the bioavailability of an active substance, the more effect it has on the body.
Supported by Science
All our products are non-GMO and 100% free from preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.
We use pharmaceutical-grade testing procedures and our products have to pass through 4 rounds of testing.
Our products are tested in ISO-Certified and cGMP certified labs for ultimate quality, purity and potency.
Frequently Asked Questions
When taken sublingually, approximately 30% of a 125 mg dose gets absorbed under the tongue, with the remainder being swallowed. At higher dosages, the % goes down, as the capillaries are full and have limited transport.
A much greater % makes it to bloodstream with liposomal delivery. Liposomes also protect the payload from degradation once in the bloodstream.
Lastly, Liposomes release the payload over a much longer period – up to 24 hours. This is better when taking larger dosages.
The rapid delivery to the bloodstream with Sublingual can be an advantage when taking before exercise. The energy surge most users feel is also nice confirmation that it is doing something.
Our liquid and powdered liposomes have approximately the same availability in the bloodstream, but the powdered liposomes release the payload more slowly over 24 hours. We don’t know if that makes it more effective than a faster release.
Powdered liposomal products have a shelf life of over two years, rather than the 12 months or so for liquid liposomal products when stored at room temp.
Delayed Release & Extended Release Caps protect ingredients from stomach acid only. They delay, but don't really sustain ingredient release.
Liposomes protect the payload through the GI tract and into the bloodstream, then release more slowly up to 24 hours (depending on the liposome).
In addition to a big increase in bioavailability, they are truly sustained release. Any supplement known to have poor bioavailability should use liposomal delivery.
120 mL / 4 液量オンス
Understand how inflammation is impacting your life
Single Use Test
150 mL / 5 液量オンス
30mL / 1液量オンス
60 mL / 2 液量オンス
グラスフェッドコラーゲン + クレアチン + BCAA + 電解質ドリンクミックス
グラスフェッドコラーゲン + クレアチン + BCAA + 電解質ドリンクミックス
31.96オンス / 906グラム
グラスフェッドコラーゲン + クレアチン + BCAA + 電解質ドリンクミックス