
Privacy Policy

Types and Uses of Personal Information

RENUE BY SCIENCE, LLC has a longstanding commitment to safeguard the privacy of the information entrusted to us from health-care practitioners, patients, and customers who use our websites. The privacy principles and procedures set forth in this Privacy Policy are intended to tell users how this information is collected, used & distributed via our websites.

Types and Uses of Personal Information

When a user visits one of our websites, information that personally identifies the user can be collected and processed by RENUE BY SCIENCE employees. Usually, the only information that will be collected is the user’s name, business address, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, and professional licensing information when this information is knowingly provided to us. In addition, this information can be collected as a result of the services or the products a user requests information about or purchases from us. Finally, RENUE BY SCIENCE can collect or process personally identifiable information, such as a user’s Internet domain or IP address, as part of the normal operation of our websites, or during the normal course of a user’s activities on or use of our websites. In nearly all cases this data is collected or processed by, or transferred to, RENUE BY SCIENCE’s corporate headquarters. When a user visits our websites, the user is consenting to the collection, processing, transfer, or use of this information. If a user chooses not to consent to the collection, processing, transfer, or use of this information in this manner, then the user should not visit, or should discontinue visiting, our websites.

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Personal Information Shared with Third Parties

Without obtaining a user’s express consent, RENUE BY SCIENCE will not sell, trade, or disclose a user’s personally identifiable information to any third party who might attempt to market products or services to the user. However, RENUE BY SCIENCE can disclose information to a third party who is used to assist carrying out a transaction for a user or providing a service to a user (for example, packaging, sending, or delivering a purchase or information to the user or clearing a credit card transaction).

RENUE BY SCIENCE might be required to disclose information about the users of our websites as a result of a subpoena, a search warrant, or some other legal process authorized by a court of law. In addition, RENUE BY SCIENCE might disclose information about the users of our websites to a third party who is assisting us in conducting an investigation about unauthorized activity that constitutes a violation of the policies for using our websites, or when circumstances dictate the need to protect or defend our rights or property.

Compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act

It is the policy of RENUE BY SCIENCE to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act. As of January 1, 2020, residents of the State of California have the legal right to request that all of their personal data be deleted from RENUE BY SCIENCE ‘s databases, networks, and servers. RENUE BY SCIENCE considers personal data to be all personal information enumerated by the California Consumer Privacy Act, such as “information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household, such as name, postal address, account name, email address, purchasing history, or other similar identifiers,” and all other personal information defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act.

A California resident who wishes to request that their personal information be deleted from RENUE BY SCIENCE’s databases, networks, and servers should transmit such a request to Only a resident of the State of California, or a person registered with the California Secretary of State authorized to act on a resident’s behalf, can exercise deletion rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act. RENUE BY SCIENCE cannot respond to a deletion request if we are unable to verify the identity of the person making the request. A request initiated from a customer account’s email address of record is considered sufficient verification. After receiving a request from a resident of the State of California for deletion of all personal information, RENUE BY SCIENCE’s Customer Service Department, Information Technology Department, and Marketing Department will delete all personal information within three business days of receiving the request.

Security Measures

RENUE BY SCIENCE regularly implements industry-recommended technological and operational security measures for the purpose of protecting personally identifiable information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, alteration, or unintentional destruction. Although no security measure can absolutely guarantee against unauthorized uses, RENUE BY SCIENCE regularly reviews and updates our website security measures for the purpose of providing appropriate security measures for personally identifiable information.

Access and Accuracy

Because RENUE BY SCIENCE only wants to maintain accurate information about the users of our websites, any user can request to be provided the individual information that has been gathered about the user. Any user can contact RENUE BY SCIENCE (see the Contact Information section below), and, upon receiving proper identification information, RENUE BY SCIENCE will provide the user with the personally identifiable information that RENUE BY SCIENCE maintains about the user. If a user finds a factual inaccuracy, then the user can notify RENUE BY SCIENCE and the inaccuracy will be corrected.

Data Retention

RENUE BY SCIENCE will not retain a user’s personally identifiable information longer than is necessary for the purpose it was collected.

Children’s Privacy

RENUE BY SCIENCE’s policy is that children under the age of 18 should not provide any personally identifiable information to a RENUE BY SCIENCE website without a parent’s or guardian’s consent. RENUE BY SCIENCE encourages parents and guardians to instruct children about the safe and responsible use of personally identifiable information on the Internet. RENUE BY SCIENCE will not knowingly collect, use, or disclose to any third party any personally identifiable information collected from children under the age of 18.

Linked Websites

RENUE BY SCIENCE can provide links from our websites to third-party websites not owned by RENUE BY SCIENCE However, because RENUE BY SCIENCE does not control these third-party websites, a user should always review the privacy policy of these linked third-party websites. RENUE BY SCIENCE is not responsible for the privacy policy or practices of linked third-party websites or for services controlled by other companies or organizations.

Use of Cookies and Pixel Tags

When a user browses this website, one or more temporary cookies can be placed on the user’s computer to help RENUE BY SCIENCE collect information to better understand the user’s interests and to better serve the user. Cookies are used on most major websites. What are “cookies”? Cookies are small bits of information stored by the user’s web browser’s software on the user’s computer’s hard drive or temporarily in the computer’s memory. Using cookies is an industry standard. Cookies enhance a user’s experience and access to information on a website. Cookies enable RENUE BY SCIENCE to recognize a user and personalize the user’s experience on the RENUE BY SCIENCE website.

RENUE BY SCIENCE can use cookies for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to: e-commerce functions, to recognize user access or log-on privileges, to track usage and traffic patterns, to provide information and advertisements for goods or services that might interest a user based on the user’s use of a RENUE BY SCIENCE website, and to track the number of users who visit and use RENUE BY SCIENCE websites.

Although most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, a user can decline the placement of cookies on the user’s hard drive by using the appropriate feature of the web browser’s software (if available) to delete cookies. A user can also refuse cookies as part of the web browser’s settings, but doing so might inhibit the ability to utilize many of the features on RENUE BY SCIENCE websites and other websites visited.

In addition to using cookies, RENUE BY SCIENCE websites can employ “pixel tracking,” a common process used in connection with advertisements and/or internal tracking. Pixel tracking involves the use of pixel tags – an invisible tag that is placed on various pages of a website that tracks a user’s activity. Pixel tags are not visible to users and consist of a few lines of computer code. Pixel tracking measures the effectiveness of advertisements by compiling aggregate and specific usage statistics. RENUE BY SCIENCE can access pixel tags to identify the activities and interests that better enable us to match products, services, and offers to the user’s interests and needs. For example, if a user visits a RENUE BY SCIENCE website as a result of an advertisement on a third-party website, then the pixel tag will allow the advertiser to track that its advertisement brought the user to a website operated by RENUE BY SCIENCE. If a user visits a website or other online system operated by RENUE BY SCIENCE, and the user is linked to another website, then RENUE BY SCIENCE also is able to determine that the user was sent to and/or interacted with a third-party website. This data is collected for use in marketing and research.

If a user wishes to opt-out of Google Analytics entirely when visiting a RENUE BY SCIENCE website or any other website that utilizes this service, or interest-based advertising, then visit the Network Advertising Initiative at: Or if a user wishes to specifically choose not to send information to Google Analytics about the user’s visit to an RENUE BY SCIENCE website, then the user can do so by going to:

Contact Information

Users can direct comments, complaints, or questions regarding this Website Privacy Policy to RENUE BY SCIENCE’s Information Technology Department at:

Modifications to Policy

RENUE BY SCIENCE reserves the right to modify or update this Website Privacy Policy at any time with or without notice, and to make the modified or updated policy effective immediately for information we already have about users, as well as future information that we might obtain about users.
RENUE BY SCIENCE always indicates below the date of the current Website Privacy Policy so users will know when it was last updated. To make this policy easy to find, the most current copy will be accessible from clicking the Privacy Policy link on the home page.