Tackle the sources of cellular damage at the root of aging with the Total NAD+ Restoration Protocol. These four formulas work together to clear senescent cells, promote restorative sleep, and support healthy, youthful energy so you can enjoy all the holiday gatherings without missing a beat. Stock up for yourself and stuff the stockings of everyone you love because the best gift is more time to spend together.
What's included in the Total NAD+ Restoration Protocol:
Lipo NAD+ Complete
NAD+, NMN, NR, and Trigonelline work together to boost NAD+ production and support energy metabolism through multiple pathways.
Supports mitochondrial function, promotes DNA repair, and activates NAD+-dependent enzymes like sirtuins for healthy aging.
Quercetin, Fisetin, and Spermidine target senescent cells and cool inflammation.
Clears these damaged cells to support tissue health, tamp down chronic inflammation, and promote cellular renewal.
Energizer AM
Hesperidin, Trans-Resveratrol, and EGCG optimize mitochondrial function and support daytime energy.
Promotes sustained energy production, protects against oxidative stress, and optimizes metabolic efficiency.
Restore PM
GABA, 5-HTP, Apigenin, Glutathione, and Melatonin promote deep, restorative sleep and nighttime cellular repair.
Promotes sleep quality, supports stress resilience, and protects against oxidative damage during rest.
Pet NMN Success with My Working Dog
I have been giving my working dog, Seren, your pet NMN for almost almost a year now. He is turning 10 in February and up until last year when I read about NMN it was a serious question of when Seren should retire.
Now that he's been taking the NMN hes acting like he did when he was half his age. He's playful, focused on doing his job, and his drive to do so is through the roof. I didn't tell anyone at work that I was giving him anything and after the first two months I was approached by my partner asking what I did to Seren because hes acting like he used to when he was half his age.