Meta-Review: NMN Promotes Liver and Muscle Health in Middle Aged and Older Adults
This meta-review found that NMN improves muscle function, reduces insulin resistance, and lowers liver enzyme levels in middle-aged and elderly participants:

NMN Improved Metabolic Function and Ovarian Health in Aged Mice
A recent study in mice investigated the effects of short- and long-term NMN supplementation on age-related fertility decline and ovarian health:

This graph shows that aged mice (pink bar) produced significantly fewer eggs (oocytes) than young mice (yellow bar), but when given NMN (purple bar), the aged mice produced significantly more eggs compared to untreated aged mice.

Does lipo delivery decrease dosage?
Hello, I've been using these products now for 3 years and since the introduction of the liposome delivery method I have not heard anyone talk about whether dosage should be lowered. If NMN, for example, is recommended at 1000 mg/day, would 500 mg/day with liposome delivery be as good or better? I don't want to overdo it (for health and cost both!). Same for other molecules as well. I try to follow Dr. David Sinclair's protocol, but without knowing if he uses the liposomal delivery or not, it's hard to know what to do. Thank you!